
The Easy Recipe Depot

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

It's great being part of a foodie community which is why I love my App so much. It's the best way for me to be able to talk directly to you guys and answer any questions you might have and share stuff that I am working on too. I love to see the pictures of the dishes you have cooked at home and it feels great to know that we are sharing our experiences and our food with eachother. 

Recently The Easy Recipe Depot asked me if they could introduce me to their community of food lovers too. Naturally, I said yes because it's a great way to share the recipes and videos I am working on to a wider community. It's also a lovely feeling to hear that others are excited about the work you are doing.

We got together and had a chat and talked about food, my website and so much more. I hope I am able to help more people with their Indian food questions through this. So here is a little interview piece that Easy Recipe depot put together about me on there website. Grab a coffee and take five minutes - enjoy the read!


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