
It’s Naancake Day!

Ok, well not really. But it is Pancake Day and I am in an office full of staff expecting me to make them something suitably different and delicious and with an Indian twist (hence the awful joke).

Tuesday, 09 February 2016

Now Pancake Day was originally all about emptying your shelves of flour, sugar, eggs and fat in time for Lent. So this got me thinking that emptying the average Indian kitchen cupboard would result in a very different type of pancake...

So I decided to start with something we all love and then play around with the flavours. I'd make a few different fillings – one with potatoes spiced up with a little Bombay magic and the other with dark chocolate sauce and chilli and some peshwari crumble together with some plain yoghurt. Wowzer!

We Indians love a pancake and have a few different varieties, from the lovely crispy dosa made with a rice batter to the gram flour based Pudlia made with onions, coriander, spices and chilli. Thing is, the traditional English variety is a lot simpler and plainer so it's always nice to try and liven it up.

So for the Pancake Off I set up two stations, one with the traditional pancake mix and a second with the Indian batter mix (and the queue behind that one went across the office and out the door). After making up an endless stream of them I can categorically say that these were the clear favourites, with the chilli chocolate sauce just edging the spiced potatoes.

Not only was this a fun team building exercise that got everyone talking and excited about trying something new, but it brought friends together over food. And that's what it's all about, isn't it?

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