Indian Cooking Ingredients


Using Ghee in Indian Cooking

Ghee is clarified butter, this means that it has been heated in order to remove the milk proteins preventing it from going so it doesn't go rancid. It can be stored at room temperature for many months, which is very important in tropical climates. This heating of the butter also caramelises the sugars in the butter which results in a beautiful almost nutty flavour. Ghee not only tastes great but it also really good to cook with as it can withstand high temperatures.

If you chill Ghee it turns from the golden liquid to a solid with a grainy texture, which disappears as soon as it is heated.

Used primarily in the North of India I think Ghee has an air of decadence around it and is used in particular for those very high brow dishes like a Briyani or a Korma that you can imagine would have been served to the royal  court in years gone by. It adds a real richness to the final dish as well as a lovely aroma.


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